How much money an International Student can earn in Canada

 Are you worried if your salary from your part-time job as an international student?  can cover your, monthly expenses how much can we really earn from our part-time job as international students? If you want to know about this just keep on reading. we're gonna talk about how much international students can earn from their part-time jobs. 

it enough to cover their monthly expenses as we all know we are only allowed to work for only 20 hours a week during school days. And 40 hours or more during school breaks like Christmas break, spring break, and summer with that said you will only have limited earnings with a lot of expenses, but there are ways to help you save and I will share that with you later on in this post minimum, rate here in New Brunswick is eleven seventy dollars per hour. 

so if you are working for 20, hours a week you will get around 900 a month but let's not forget about the deductions like the tax, so let's just say that you will get around 800  a month is this enough to cover your monthly, expenses like your rent your grocery your phone bills and other monthly expenses including your, tuition fee the answer is.


It will depend on your situation like how much rent you need to pay, and if you have a car because these are some of the factors that will add up to your monthly expenses, your biggest expense will be your rent which will cost you around 250 to 500 dollars a month.

so if you are earning 800 a month and your rent is around 500 dollars you will only have 300, left on your salary each term is 4 to four and a  half months with two weeks Christmas break and one, week spring break your winter term will end by the end of April. 

After that you can now work, full time until the first week of September that's four months of full-time work where you can have, an opportunity to earn more and save more for your second year's tuition fee so during summer you can, earn up to 1500 Canadian dollars, because you can work for more than 40 hours a week summer is a, very busy season especially here in saint Andrews with a lot of tourists coming in meaning you will get a lot of working hours than four months. 


you can earn up to 6 000 Canadian dollars or more depending on how many hours you're working and how many jobs you have so my tip is to work as many hours. As, you can during this time because this will be your opportunity to earn more and save more, and pay your tuition fee and your monthly expenses for you to survive your first months here you need, to bring enough money to cover yourself for at least three months including your tuition fee payment, for example, which is based on my experience. 

I only paid 25 of my tuition fee while I'm still in the Philippines and I brought 4 000 Canadian dollars as my parent's money. 

I use that money to pay them, the remaining tuition fee for my fall term and to buy uniforms and books and what's left from that money, is only enough to cover me for one month and that's really risky because when we arrive here. 

we don't have a permanent apartment and we only rented an Airbnb for only three days luckily, we got accepted at the hotel and we got the chance to stay at the hotel's staff residence which is, a lot cheaper than the other apartments here but if we did not get accepted we will be in a big, trouble because we don't have enough money to cover a rent that is around 250 or more. 

That is why you really need to be financially ready when you arrive here which is why they, are requiring you to have 10 000 Canadian dollars which are worth one year's living expenses and, they are expecting you to bring that money here in  Canada with you but if you don't have that kind of, the money you can just bring enough to cover you for three months. 

Or more so you can survive your, first month here so one of the ways to help you survive here is just to be ready you need to be, financially ready when you arrive here actually if you're gonna be in a place with the limited job, opportunities like here in saint Andrews so just be ready on your new journey here in Canada and, always have a plan and a back-up plan also take every opportunity that will come into your life, and always believe in yourself. 

that you can do  it gonna be easy and there's gonna be challenges, that will come into your way but always believe  in yourself that you can do it and remember that, all our sacrifices and hard works are gonna  be worth it so that's it, for now, guys and, thank you guys for watching and for your continued  support and for those who haven't subscribed yet, please do share the post  and also  comment these post so we can help more people, 

who are planning to start their journey as international students I hope that I can upload, more post every week I will try my  best for that and I apologize if I'm, taking too long to reply to your messages but I will try to read all of your messages and share my, knowledge and experiences so I can help  you with your own journey here in Canada, so see you guys on my next vlog and always  take care of yourself and stay healthy bye 


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